Clear and harmonised working methods

Alignment of teams and processes
To turn website visitors into satisfied customers, every single person at your organisation needs to speak the same language, from marketing to sales and from service to operations. To do so, you'll need to harmonise your processes between your different disciplines — make sure your teams are perfectly aligned, in other words.
Know what you've got to offer one another
By managing KPIs and aligning them with one another, everyone works by the same definitions. That doesn't just mean you need to know exactly when a lead is warm enough to be passed on to the next team, but that marketing, sales, service and all other stakeholders need to agree you've made the right decision. When does someone become an SQL? What does the follow-up process look like? Do all teams know what to do with certain types of information and what their role is? It's all about aligning objectives, systems, processes and people. Sit down together to define what the ideal process looks like — and stick to it.

Once all teams know what's expected of them and how they need to go about it, they need to be enabled to achieve their goals. They need to have the tools right at hand that allow them to do their job as easily and efficiently as possible. Which is to say: don't saddle your marketeers with 15 different tools that don't 'talk' to each other — instead, go for a single, powerful and integrated platform.
Once all teams know what's expected of them and how they need to go about it, they need to be enabled to achieve their goals. They need to have the tools right at hand that allow them to do their job as easily and efficiently as possible. Which is to say: don't saddle your marketeers with 15 different tools that don't 'talk' to each other — instead, go for a single, powerful and integrated platform.
If you never want to lose another night's sleep over alignment and enablement, HubSpot is the platform you're looking for. All teams and disciplines get up-to-date insight in everything associated with a specific lead. That way, everyone is perfectly clear on when they need to act, and what needs to be done. What's more, the tools you need to carry out those actions are all right there, built into HubSpot. That way, you never need to leave the platform to give your leads what they're looking for, and your teams can operate in an efficient, comfortable and logical way.
If you never want to lose another night's sleep over alignment and enablement, HubSpot is the platform you're looking for. All teams and disciplines get up-to-date insight in everything associated with a specific lead. That way, everyone is perfectly clear on when they need to act, and what needs to be done. What's more, the tools you need to carry out those actions are all right there, built into HubSpot. That way, you never need to leave the platform to give your leads what they're looking for, and your teams can operate in an efficient, comfortable and logical way.
Get everything you can out of your tools and people
Taking a look at your internal processes from a different angle is no mean feat. After all, you've always done things a certain way, and it can be tricky to move on from that. Even so, certain things will need to be improved if you want to grow. We're happy to help you configure HubSpot in such a way that it works and offers solutions for you. That way, you will get everything you can out of your tools — and your people.

A wealth of knowledge about marketing and sales processes
"Bright [formerly known as Seefore] is not just an agency that knows HubSpot inside out — they're mainly business-oriented, and their knowledge of marketing and sales processes is truly impressive. And that enables them to offer great advice on how best to use the opportunities provided by HubSpot and create as much value as possible. On top of that, they're a great team to work with, and they always put their customer first."