Last updated: 1/10/2024
2 min

Optimize website performance and ROI with HubSpot CMS: best practices for success

Levi Meulensteen

In CMS Hub, you can easily measure the performance of your website and ROI. Moreover, HubSpot CMS Hub is directly integrated with the HubSpot CRM platform, allowing you to leverage the data and insights from your contact database directly for your website marketing. This way, you can simply create contact lists of individuals who have visited specific pages on your website, downloaded content, or engaged through live chat. As your company grows, HubSpot grows with you and offers more advanced reporting. In this blog, I will discuss various ways in which you can optimize the ROI and performance of your website by using HubSpot Marketing reports.

This is how you create HubSpot marketing attribution reports

An important feature of HubSpot CMS Hub is marketing attribution reports. Marketing attribution reporting provides you with a better understanding of your ROI. In these reports, you link performance to various marketing channels, content offers, and marketing campaigns in HubSpot. These reports have contact, deal, or revenue attribution, which means you can link your various marketing efforts to the amount of contacts, deals, or revenue you generate from them.

How do you measure website performance with HubSpot marketing reports?

But what results do you want to gain insight on? You probably do not just want to know how many contacts, but also how many deals (and revenue) have been generated from a marketing campaign and from which sources they originated. For example, you can see how many MQLs from online advertisements actually convert into customers.

Compare the performance of different content topics and types

It is also useful to see which content topics and types perform best so that you can adjust your course if needed. For example, an e-book about smart industry might have been downloaded less frequently than an e-book about robotics. Or an online quiz to help your visitors make a decision was filled out more often than an online checklist. By comparing the performance of different content offers and types, you get a better idea of the visitor’s actual preferences.

Assigning conversion credits to HubSpot marketing assets

There are also advanced features in HubSpot CMS Hub, including adding dimensions to your marketing attribution reports. A dimension assigns conversion credits to landing pages, interactions, deal characteristics and UTM parameters. This allows you to measure the performance of various marketing assets and refine your marketing reports even further.

Create custom analysis views

Select the domain, country, URL path and time period for your traffic analysis, and create custom analysis views in HubSpot CMS Hub. Once you have created a custom analysis view, you can select it in your HubSpot traffic analytics tool. Keep in mind that analytics views begin tracking data from the day they are created and do not include historical data.

Get Started with HubSpot CMS!

In short, HubSpot CMS offers various features to optimize your website performance and ROI. Make use of the best practices in this blog and create a goldmine of data.